Technical organisation post-5.0
Once WordPress 5.0 is released, the intention is to have a minor WordPress release twice a month. These releases will be focused on editor improvements and bug fixes. They can also include bug fixes beyond the editor.
Repositories リポジトリーについて
Work on the editor will continue on GitHub, while work on WordPress Core will continue in Trac. The JavaScript packages from GitHub, which represent more than just Gutenberg code, will be updated on a regular basis and merged into WordPress Core.
A typical Workflow for a Core bug fix involving a JavaScript package will follow this process:
- A Trac ticket is created to track the bug resolution.
- If the issue is found to be related to a JavaScript package, a corresponding GitHub issue is created referencing the Trac ticket.
- The issue is resolved in a GitHub pull request and merged to master.
- Tracにおいて不具合の修正を追跡するTicketが作成されます
- もしもその不具合がJavaScriptのパッケージに関連するのものの場合は、Githubにイシューを立て、Tracの該当するTicketを関連付けます。
- イシューはプルリクエストによって解決され、masterブランチにマージされます。
Then, on a regular basis, the Editor Team will:
- Publish updates to the WordPress npm packages from the Gutenberg repository.
- Update the packages in Core.
- Close the Trac tickets fixed by the packages update.
- グーテンベルグのリポジトリから、WordPress用のnpmのパッケージをアップデートします。
- コアをアップデートします
- TracのTicketはパッケージがアップデートされたことで解決として閉じます。
In addition to the editor improvements, prototypes, and implementation of Phase 2 work will also happen in the GitHub repository. We will use feature flags to avoid including the Phase 2 work in the WordPress Core package updates. This will allow us to continue using the Gutenberg plugin releases for beta testing.
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